NeoDCP Player version 5 – Edition Comparison
- Playback of DRM-unprotected DCPsPlayback of DRM-unprotected DCPs
- Playback of DRM-protected DCPs with KDMsRequires HDMI or DisplayPort connection with HDCP or DPCP support and Windows Vista or later OS.Playback of DRM-protected DCPs with KDMs
- Rendering of subtitlesRendering of subtitles
- Full-screen playbackFull-screen playback
- Full 2K decoding and projectionFull 2K decoding and projection
- Full 4K decoding and projectionFull 4K decoding and projection
- Stereoscopic (3D) playbackStereoscopic (3D) playback
- Playlist supportPlaylist support
- IntermissionsIntermissions
- Accurate colors with ICC profilesAccurate colors with ICC profiles
- Public screeningPublic screening
- Digital masking and scalingDigital masking and scaling
- DCP and MXF structure inspectionDCP and MXF structure inspection
- DCP asset hash checkDCP asset hash check
- DCP ingest with automatic verificationDCP ingest with automatic verification
- Support for supplemental DCPs (VF)Support for supplemental DCPs (VF)
- Common features for all licensesCommon features for all licenses
- Certificates for KDMs (.pem)Certificates for KDMs (.pem)
- License validityBy default, all NeoDCP Player licenses are being rented for a certain amount of time. Within this time you will receive all software updates of the NeoDCP Player for free. Additionally we will provide you with technical support via e-mail. After license expires you are not allowed to use the NeoDCP Player anymore without purchasing a new one.License validity
- Perpetual licensePerpetual license
- License priceLicense price
Private display
only- Playback of DRM-unprotected DCPs
- Playback of DRM-protected DCPs with KDMs
- Rendering of subtitles
- Full-screen playbackAvailable as paid add-on at product page. Click to read more.optional
- Full 2K decoding and projection
- Full 4K decoding and projectionAvailable as paid add-on at product page. Click to read more.optional
- Stereoscopic (3D) playback
- Playlist support
- Intermissions
- Accurate colors with ICC profiles
- Public screening
- Digital masking and scaling
- DCP and MXF structure inspection
- DCP asset hash checkAvailable as paid add-on at product page. Click to read more.optional
- DCP ingest with automatic verification
- Support for supplemental DCPs (VF)
- Common features for all licensesread below
- Certificates for KDMs (.pem)
- License validity1 year
- Perpetual license
- License price
129 €
99 €
Private display
only- Playback of DRM-unprotected DCPs
- Playback of DRM-protected DCPs with KDMs
- Rendering of subtitles
- Full-screen playback
- Full 2K decoding and projection
- Full 4K decoding and projection
- Stereoscopic (3D) playback
- Playlist support
- Intermissions
- Accurate colors with ICC profiles
- Public screening
- Digital masking and scaling
- DCP and MXF structure inspection
- DCP asset hash check
- DCP ingest with automatic verification
- Support for supplemental DCPs (VF)
- Common features for all licensesread below
- Certificates for KDMs (.pem)
- License validityLicense validity is optional and can be selected when making order.1 or more years
- Perpetual licenseAvailable as paid add-on at product page. Click to read more.optional
- License price199 €
Public screening
allowed- Playback of DRM-unprotected DCPs
- Playback of DRM-protected DCPs with KDMs
- Rendering of subtitles
- Full-screen playback
- Full 2K decoding and projection
- Full 4K decoding and projection
- Stereoscopic (3D) playback
- Playlist support
- Intermissions
- Accurate colors with ICC profiles
- Public screening
- Digital masking and scaling
- DCP and MXF structure inspection
- DCP asset hash check
- DCP ingest with automatic verification
- Support for supplemental DCPs (VF)
- Common features for all licensesread below
- Certificates for KDMs (.pem)
- License validity1 year
- Perpetual license
- License price699 €
Ultimate 2K
Public screening
allowed- Playback of DRM-unprotected DCPs
- Playback of DRM-protected DCPs with KDMs
- Rendering of subtitles
- Full-screen playback
- Full 2K decoding and projection
- Full 4K decoding and projection
- Stereoscopic (3D) playback
- Playlist support
- Intermissions
- Accurate colors with ICC profiles
- Public screening
- Digital masking and scaling
- DCP and MXF structure inspection
- DCP asset hash check
- DCP ingest with automatic verification
- Support for supplemental DCPs (VF)
- Common features for all licensesread below
- Certificates for KDMs (.pem)
- License validityLicense validity is optional and can be selected when making order.4 or more years
- Perpetual licenseAvailable as paid add-on at product page. Click to read more.optional
- License price1499 €
Ultimate 4K
Public screening
allowed- Playback of DRM-unprotected DCPs
- Playback of DRM-protected DCPs with KDMs
- Rendering of subtitles
- Full-screen playback
- Full 2K decoding and projection
- Full 4K decoding and projection
- Stereoscopic (3D) playback
- Playlist support
- Intermissions
- Accurate colors with ICC profiles
- Public screening
- Digital masking and scaling
- DCP and MXF structure inspection
- DCP asset hash check
- DCP ingest with automatic verification
- Support for supplemental DCPs (VF)
- Common features for all licensesread below
- Certificates for KDMs (.pem)
- License validityLicense validity is optional and can be selected when making order.4 or more years
- Perpetual licenseAvailable as paid add-on at product page. Click to read more.optional
- License price
1799 €
1599 €
Other products
- NeoDCP Player - Sample certificates70 €Sample certificates allow you to examine creating encrypted DCPs together with KDMs for NeoDCP Player.
- NeoDCP Player - Trial versionFreeTrial version allows you to test its powerful features during a period of 14 days for free.
- Re-issuing certificates after new OS installFreeAfter re-installation of OS on the same PC new certificates will be needed.